Another Freebie for you guys, exclusive on Photoshopcandy. Chocolate factory theme with a hint of that good old vintage feel. Creating this takes a few simple steps. Here is a tip or two on how to get that subtle vintage background texture. Create a Solid or Gradient background layer in Photoshop, then go to FILTER>NOISE>ADD NOISE  – Type in 3% , select the Gaussian option and the Monochromatic option and click ok. Now you can add any pattern you want above the layer you just created. Now, on the “pattern layer” (in my file this would be the layer with the stripes) go to the layers panel select the “Soft Light” Blending mode from the drop down menu. Now you should be able to see the noise effect right through your pattern. Play with the colors of your pattern till it looks right. Have fun with it – It’s Photoshop!
Cleanly layered psd file
File dimensions 2000px width by 2000px height
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Chocolate Factory Background in JPG format here
Beautiful! Love the template! An eye candy.
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yes looks really cool … like a vintage theme. thanks for Chocolate factory theme
.-= rejis´s last blog ..Guarantee badge free psd =-.
To be sure completely along with your conclusions and believe you’ve made some excellent points. Also, I prefer design of this site and also the simplicity of navigation. I’ve bookmarked your blog and will return often!
so good!
I like them!
I’m a little bit clueless with Twitter. I never thought that we can actually change the background. Will try this on my account. Thanks for sharing anyway!
.-= security camera system´s last blog ..Education at home: More important than a complete and expensive home security system =-.
i like it mate-your design is good. clean crisp and clear, and with a 2.0 element, that’s where its at these days.
top job.
.-= jnd´s last blog ..The importance of blogs, case studies and articles =-.
This is a nice twitter background.