I always thought that Batman was yellow and black. A memorable brand indeed. I mean, isn’t this what we all remember?

The Classic
Batman Logo that I remember.
For the virtual DC FanDome event, filmmaker Matt Reeves revealed the new look for “The Batman” on his twitter account. Including some artwork by Jim Lee.
Excited to share the very first look at our official #TheBatman logo, and some very cool additional #DCFanDome artwork by the amazing @jimlee — see more of #TheBatman at the #DCFanDome global event in the Hall of Heroes this Saturday, 8/22! #TheBatman #DCFanDome #ForTheFans pic.twitter.com/ApfngNbyor
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) August 20, 2020
I don’t claim to be a Batman fanboy – but I must say, this Batman artwork has evolved quite a bit from the rounded classic yellow and black symbol. The batman brand was always more approachable from the logo design to the film itself. I remember it being somewhat family friendly. After taking a quick glimpse at the new trailer, it’s quite the opposite. That said, the 2016 film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice already targeted a more mature audience, so maybe it’s been this way for a while.
The original Yellow and black used for Batman is a quite a bold color combination in and of itself – moving it to Red and Black takes that boldness up a notch. Red and black screams fear and danger. Over the years Superhero films seem to be moving to a darker place…
Perhaps from a ‘design review’ perspective this new design will get graded well and attract a lot of attention but is it good for the Batman brand?

The Batman 2021
(or shall I say ?0?1)