THE SHINY FLOOR EFFECT – Glossy Effect Photoshop (with free PSD files)

Here is another photoshop web 2.0 style graphic tutorial.

the finished Product

This is what we will be doing …now that is a clean floor. This one I tried something new – I dont always like the way tutorials are written out – they can get boring and not easy to follow. So I am not going to talk much…

here is the process:

the process

so how is it going? shall we move along?

The continuation

and now the finally.

Teh finalle

And how can i forget the free psd file!

PSD comes with all layers intact…and it’s free for use and reuse … until you cant stand it no more!
Now how was that tutorial.? I hope to hear some feedback on that one…. was it clear and easy to follow? did you get the job done? Photoshop tutorials can sometimes be a real pain when there is too much text to read – So I guess I am trying to minimize the text and go more visual. Since it is not video this is what we got.


glossy text tutorial


Glass Badge



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  7. Thanks very much, its a good tutorial, target achieved.
    Its quick and to the point and no filibusting which is great.
    😀 j.

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  12. I always transforn the reflection. (Menu>transform>perspective)
    Brings a way better reflection effect. But well done, nice tutorial

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  14. having problems at step 11. When I go to the stage and drag it nothing happens in my mask box so i can’t proceed from there

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  16. Hiya, a friend of mine gave me the good tutorials website and here I am having a good old browse and loved the look of your tutorial – I’m a beginner (just had my first photoshop lesson at night school!) so I’m printing off to practice at a later date, but wanted you to know your work’s appreciated!!

  17. I did do one thing. When against a dark background, I change the floor from Normal to Overlay, moved the layer to between the original and the reflection and dropped the opacity from 100% to around 30 or 33% depending on what I am going for.

    By the way, this tutorial technique is going a long way to helping me when I “reboot” my portfolio website.

  18. Me too have the same problem

    How do you get a negative 100% in the coordinate. I get an error saying its out of the range must be between Zero and 320% !!!???

  19. thedude352 – if that doesnt work than you are probably using an older version of photoshop -but you are not lost… you can do it another way: simply go to EDIT>TRANSFORM>FLIP VERTICAL this will do the exact same thing.

  20. Great tutorial, easy to follow, clear to read and not boring as you have kept it simple and to the point. good job.

  21. holy cannoli, i wish i had this blog’s address when i was at my old job, where my task was essentially “learn photoshop.” i failed miserably due in part to the fact that no one stopped me if i decided to just up and leave for an hour. anyway the point is. i bookmarked you. 🙂

  22. I like it. There could be one or two more pics from the last action. But beside of this it is very good.

  23. Wow, ive always wanted to know how to do this. I really think that you have alot of tallent to offer -You da shiznit!!!

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