Is everyone wondering why the latest post is a month old? Well, I apologize for the wait – I have been traveling a bit recently and didnt have time to update. New tutorials soon to come.
So what is cooking? Well I am currently working on expanding the photoshopit project beyond wordpress. I am looking for experts in web developement – who are knowledgable with php,ajax,css,  and more. If this matches your description…
 Just send me an email with subject: developer to .
And Now some traffic stats for those who like numbers: Photoshopit has been running since September – that is apprx 4 months. Until today we have had over 200,000 page views and hundreds of comments.
I want to thank all of you for coming and hope you learn something new everytime.
Looking forward.
Hail all
How I can change avatar in this forum?
Peace people
We love you
Have you found any body too fill in the php / sql / xhtml / css part in?